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Preventing Lost Pets: Simple Steps Every Owner Should Know

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 15 July 2024
Preventing Lost Pets: Simple Steps Every Owner Should Know

For most pet owners, the bond shared with their furry companions is invaluable. But the thought of losing them is terrifying. Every year, thousands of pets in Australia go missing, leaving heartbroken owners searching frantically. National Lost Pet Prevention Month, observed in July, encourages pet owners to adopt strategies to ensure their pets stay safe and sound.

At North Road Vet, we want to help you take the right steps to prevent this distressing situation. Let’s explore some key tactics to minimise the risk of your pet going missing.

Why Do Pets Wander?

Pets can wander off for a variety of reasons:

  • New Environments: Unfamiliar noises, smells, or animals can cause pets to become disoriented or scared, triggering an escape.
  • Unsecured Areas: Pets often find weaknesses in gates, windows, or fences, making it easy for them to slip away unnoticed.
  • Anxiety or Fear: Storms, fireworks, or even separation anxiety can push pets to try and escape.
  • Mating Instincts: Non-neutered animals, especially males, may wander in search of a mate, increasing the risk of them straying too far.

First Line of Defence: Identification and Microchips

The best way to protect a lost pet is through identification:

  • Collar and Tag: A simple ID tag with your contact details is essential. Ensure your pet wears this tag at all times, even if they are mostly indoors.
  • Microchipping: Microchipping is a permanent form of identification. In the event your pet gets lost, the chip can be scanned at shelters and vet clinics to reunite you with your pet. Always keep the registry information up to date.

Home Safety: Securing Your Property

Making sure your home is pet-proof is vital in preventing escapes:

  • Inspect Your Fence: Check your fence for gaps, holes, or loose boards. If your pet tends to dig, bury wire or concrete blocks along the base of the fence.
  • Secure Windows and Doors: Always check that screens and latches are functioning properly. Make sure gates and doors close securely to prevent accidental escapes.
  • Supervision for Escape Artists: If your pet has a history of escaping, consider using a tethered leash while they’re outside, under supervision.

Dealing with Anxiety: Managing Stressful Situations

Some pets try to escape in response to stressful situations:

  • Create a Safe Room: Set up a quiet, secure room where your pet can retreat during stressful events. Provide them with their favourite toys and bedding for comfort.
  • Training for Anxiety: For pets that are especially sensitive to triggers like loud noises, consider desensitisation training with a professional. This helps them cope with stress more effectively.

Why Desexing is Important

Desexing not only has numerous health benefits but also reduces a pet's desire to roam. Neutered or spayed animals are less likely to wander in search of mates, lowering the risk of them going missing.

The Importance of Obedience Training

Well-trained pets are less likely to bolt in stressful situations. Teaching commands like “stay,” “come,” and “leave it” can help you maintain control, especially during walks or outdoor playtime.

Preparing for Emergencies: What to Do if Your Pet Goes Missing

If your pet does go missing, here’s what to do:

  • Act Quickly: Begin searching your area immediately, calling for your pet and checking with neighbours.
  • Notify Local Organisations: Contact local shelters, vets, and social media groups to spread the word about your missing pet.

At North Road Vet, we’re here to help. Our team provides microchipping services, training recommendations, and all the advice you need to keep your pet safe. Contact us today to learn more about preventing pet loss.

Author:Wendy Milledge
Tags:Client InformationProactive Pet CarePet Safety
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