Wellness Plans | Pet Health Checks | North Road Veterinary Centre

Wellness Plans

Pets age much faster than humans.

Early recognition of health problems as your pet enters its senior years ensures that your pet's health can be optimised.

Health checks are recommended every 6 months for senior pets over 8 years of age looking for:

  • dental disease
  • kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • thyroid disease
  • arthritis
  • lumps and bumps 
  • cardiac abnormalities
  • abdominal abnormaliites

At North Road Veterinary Centre we tailor specific wellness plans for senior pets incorporating:

  • regular health checkups
  • blood tests 
  • urine tests

Please call us for further information, or to make an appointment with one of our vets for a Senior Wellness health check

Dental Care Advice - Dogs

Dental Care Advice - Cats

Arthritis Advice - Dogs

Arthritis Advice - Cats

Wellness Plans | Pet Health Checks | North Road Veterinary Centre
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