Vaccinations for Cats | Pet Advice | North Road Veterinary Centre

Vaccinations for Cats

Why Vaccinate:

Vaccinations are important to help maintain your cat's good health and protect against preventable life-threatening diseases.

When do we Vaccinate:

Vaccinations begin as a kitten at 6-8 weeks of age, with boosters at 10-12 weeks and 14-16 weeks of age.

An annual vaccination and health check for life is then recommended.

What do we Vaccinate for:

There are several different vaccination protocols available for your cat and we tailor the vaccine to your cat's needs.

The vaccination we routinely give for cats is called Fel-O-Vax 4 and is a 4-in-1 and vaccinates against

  • Feline Enteritis - a viral disease that causes vomiting and diarrhoea and is often fatal.
  • Cat flu (Herpesvirus, Calicivirus and Chlamydia) - a group of upper respiratory viral and bacterial diseases that can progress to pneumonia and cause other serious illness. 

Vaccinations against:

  • Feline Aids - a fatal virus contagious amongst cats from fighting and cat bites that impacts the immune system.
  • Feline Leukaemia - a deadly virus that impacts the immune system and causes debilitating diseases including various types of cancer.

are also available and are particularly important for cats spending time outdoors.

Homepage header image by Cara Dione Photography
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