Puppy Pre School Classes | North Road Veterinary Centre

Puppy Preschool

What to Expect

The ideal age to start your puppy in a preschool program is 2-4 months of age.

North Road Veterinary Centre


with Molly


Dear Puppy Owner,

Welcome to puppy classes at the North Road Veterinary Centre. Over the next 3 weeks, we are going to help you get the best possible start to training, socialising and handling your puppy.

What you and your puppy will learn:

With an aim on social etiquette, manners and obedience, our puppy foundation school classes are a fantastic way to start your furry friend on their training journey.

Every puppy is different, with their own personality and strengths. We will teach you how to understand how your puppy learns, communicates and grows so you can build a strong relationship with your pup.

Over the next 3 weeks we will cover a range of the topics listed below, and incorporate socialisation into the mix. Depending on the needs of the group, we will spend varying amounts of time on any area. If you have questions about a topic listed here, please do not hesitate to ask. 


  • Positive reinforcement and force free reward based training techniques
  • Puppy play-what is safe
  • Social etiquette and correct socialisation- not just to dogs but to sounds, surfaces, environment
  • Basic positions- sit, drop, stay and come
  • Place mat/bed stay training
  • Sleep routine
  • Toilet training
  • Name response/Reward markers (Clicker training)
  • Puppy biting
  • Jumping-applying training to real life situation like jumping on people
  • Setting routines and boundaries- setting up your pup for alone time too
  • How to prevent fears, separation and social anxieties
  • Pet Nuitrition

Who Can Attend:

All household family members. Children must be able to remain seated and quiet with their adult guardian or parent.

We look forward to meeting you and your new furry family member! 




Homepage header image by Cara Dione Photography
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