What You Need To Know About Desexing Your Pet
on 9 March 2021
Desexing your pet can be an anxious time - it's always difficult putting your pet through any kind of surgery. In the case of desexing, it's a procedure that is considered necessary to help reduce health and behavioural issues.
Being equipped with the knowledge of what takes place during the desexing procedure can help ease the stress involve...
Posted in:Client InformationPet SurgeryProactive Pet Care |
Dehydration in Pets
on 5 February 2021
Like us, our pets can become dehydrated in the hot weather and also when they are unwell. It's important to understand the dangers of dehydration and what you can do to keep your pet hydrated and healthy.
What are the main causes of dehydration?
There are several reasons your pet can become dehydrated including:
Inadequate fluid intake
Posted in:Client InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care |
Caring For Your Dog's Eyes
on 11 January 2021
Your dog's "puppy eyes" do a good job of pulling on the heart strings and while there's nothing quite as satisfying as gazing lovingly into your dog's eyes, those same eyes require a lot of care and attention in return. Dogs have no effective, safe way to keep their own eyes clean, leaving them susceptible to a range of problems, with eye issues n...
Posted in:DogClient InformationProactive Pet Care |
6 Tips For Keeping Your Pet Safe At Christmas
on 14 December 2020
With Christmas just around the corner, it's important to keep our pets happy and safe during the festive season. While they too are a part of the celebrations, we need to also be aware of potential risks to our pets during this busy time.
Here are a list of tips that will help your pet have a happy and healthy Christmas too.
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet CarePet Safety |
Is Your Cat Obese?
on 9 November 2020
Did you know that 30% of the 2.7 million domestic cats in Australia are considered clinically overweight or obese?
Though an issue impacting cats nationwide, many owners are unaware their cat has a weight problem and are unaware of the signs, causes and health risks associated.
Despite the commonality, overweight cats are no laughing matt...
Posted in:CatClient InformationHealth Advice |