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Is Your Cat Obese?

Posted on 9 November 2020
Is Your Cat Obese?
Did you know that 30% of the 2.7 million domestic cats in Australia are considered clinically overweight or obese? Though an issue impacting cats nationwide, many owners are unaware their cat has a weight problem and are unaware of the signs, causes and health risks associated. Despite the commonality, overweight cats are no laughing matt...
Posted in:CatClient InformationHealth Advice  

Preparing Your Pets For The Easing Of COVID-19 Restrictions

Posted on 22 October 2020
Preparing Your Pets For The Easing Of COVID-19 Restrictions
During the pandemic, many Australian pets have been benefiting and enjoying having their families home with them more often. As restrictions begin to ease, it's expected that many of us will begin spending less time at home again. This sudden change can be confusing and stressful for our pets who've adjusted nicely to a more constant companions...
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet Care  

Protecting Your Dog From Parvo

Posted on 7 September 2020
Protecting Your Dog From Parvo
When your household gets a new fur-member in the family, it's quite a special and exciting moment. But for new puppy and dog owners everywhere, this special time can quickly and drastically turn into a nightmare. This nightmare is called "parvo" and it can take a healthy, playful puppy and quickly turn them fatally ill. Parvo is a dangerous, h...
Posted in:Client InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet CarePet Safety  

Can Cats Get Arthritis?

Posted on 3 August 2020
Can Cats Get Arthritis?
It's widely known that humans are prone to developing osteoarthritis as they age and it's also commonly known that senior aged dogs go through similar experiences. However, many pet owners aren't aware of the prevalence of arthritis in cats. Recent studies have suggested up to 90% of cats 12 and older have evidence of arthritis! While many of ...
Posted in:CatClient InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care  

Can My Dog Get A Cold?

Posted on 6 July 2020
Can My Dog Get A Cold?
Many of us dread the winter months, not just because of the temperatures but because winter brings with it the other dreaded "cold". Catching a cold can be an irritating and uncomfortable experience for humans, but did you know your dog is also at risk year-round?Canine cough, also known as kennel cough, is a highly contagious and infectious disea...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care  
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