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Why Dogs Lick Their Paws, and Should You be Concerned?

Posted on 13 February 2022
Why Dogs Lick Their Paws, and Should You be Concerned?
 There are a multitude of reasons why your pet might chew or lick its paws. Dogs may sometimes self-groom by licking their paws and other body parts. However, if they show a new specific interest and appear to be uncomfortable or focused on an area or areas of their paws, this may indicate a cause for concern and require a vi...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth AdvicePet Behaviour  

Heatstroke in Dogs

Posted on 13 January 2022
Heatstroke in Dogs
It’s a myth that dogs don’t have sweat glands. Your dog actually has some in their footpads to help with heat dissipation, but not nearly enough to stop them from overheating.Instead, dogs cool themselves down by panting. But, if it’s too hot outside, or they’ve overdone it on their walk and their body temperature rises too high - they m...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care  

Decorating Tips for a Pet-Safe Christmas

Posted on 1 December 2021
Decorating Tips for a Pet-Safe Christmas
Christmas trees and decorations are a lot of fun for everyone, but we need to be aware of the potential hazards to our furry friends and how to keep them safe. Here are some helpful tips to pet-proof your home this holiday season.Let’s talk about your Christmas treeLive or artificial trees for petsLive Christmas trees can be the cause of:Mouth...
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet Care  

Cat Regurgitation

Posted on 17 November 2021
Cat Regurgitation
Unfortunately, most Australian pet owners have experienced the aftermath of their cats regurgitating. It's not an uncommon occurrence, and is not always a cause for concern. Not to be confused with vomiting, regurgitating occurs when your cat hasn't managed to start digesting food, it is a passive action where undigested f...
Posted in:CatClient InformationProactive Pet Care  

Your Dog and Shedding

Posted on 18 October 2021
Your Dog and Shedding
Why do dogs shed?It’s perfectly normal and healthy for dogs to shed, regular shedding occurs when your dog gets rid of its old, dead, and damaged fur to make way for new and healthy hair to grow. But sudden excessive shedding can indicate a medical problem, requiring a veterinary examination to determine the ...
Posted in:DogClient Information  
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