Bloat in Dogs
on 16 November 2022
What is bloat in dogs?Gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV or bloat), is a serious condition that can be quickly fatal and is considered as a veterinary emergency.It’s a condition in which food, gas, or fluids stretch a dog’s stomach, causing abdominal pain and a sudden increase in the dog's abdomen.In severe cases, stomach distension can be accomp...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care |
How Much Time Should Your Cat Groom Each Day?
on 14 October 2022
Why your cat groomsMost household cats will spend time grooming by licking, scratching, and rubbing at their paws, ears, joints, and just about everywhere else to stay clean.And, more than that, when your cat is grooming, it may also be:regulating body temperaturekeeping their coat soft and clean with oilsstimulating circulation removing un...
Posted in:CatClient InformationProactive Pet Care |
Hypothyroidism in Dogs
on 4 September 2022
What is hypothyroidism in dogs?Hypothyroidism affects your dog’s thyroid gland which plays an essential role in producing and maintaining hormone levels in its body. Part of the endocrine system, the thyroid gland helps to produce a hormone called thyroxine (T4). This hormone plays an important part in the regulation of your dog’s:weigh...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth Advice |
Dental Disease in Dogs: Symptoms & Prevention
on 16 August 2022
Dogs have 42 permanent teeth, and they need to be well looked after.Maintaining your dog's oral health from the start can help prevent dental disease, it is a lifelong commitment.Healthy teeth and gums lead to a happier and healthier life.Dental disease is one of the most common conditions diagnosed in companion animals. 80% of dogs over the age ...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth AdvicePet Dental Health |
Symptoms & Causes of Weight Loss in Cats
on 16 July 2022
What weight should my cat be?Every cat’s weight expectations will differ depending on several variables such as age, breed, sex and health conditions.For example a healthy weight of a Singapura, the smallest cat breed, is significantly less than the Maine Coon, the largest cat breed. The Domestic Shorthair will normally weigh 4-5kg,...
Posted in:CatClient InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care |