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Nurturing the Golden Years: Walking Your Older Dog with Care

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 15 March 2024
Nurturing the Golden Years: Walking Your Older Dog with Care
As our four-legged friends gracefully step into their golden years, it's important to adapt and make their well-being a top priority. Let's talk about exercise, specifically the joy of a good walk. While regular walks have loads of perks, taking an older dog for a stroll needs a personalised touch, taking into account their health, age, and comfor...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth AdviceProactive Pet Care  

Understanding Your Pet's Discomfort: Recognising Signs of Pain

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 16 February 2024
Understanding Your Pet's Discomfort: Recognising Signs of Pain
As pet owners, we always want our furry friends to be happy and healthy. However, it can be challenging to determine if our pets are experiencing any discomfort or pain since they can't communicate with us directly. That's why it can be helpful for pet owners to educate themselves about the signs of pain in animals. By recognising these signs, we ...
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet CarePet Behaviour  

Nurturing Your Cat's Hydration Habits

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 15 January 2024
Nurturing Your Cat's Hydration Habits
Cat owners are well aware of their pet's discerning nature, particularly concerning their food and water preferences. Cats tend to adhere to their routines, making it crucial to pay attention to their water consumption habits. Even small details such as the location of their water bowl or its proximity to their food can impact their hydration lev...
Posted in:CatClient InformationHealth Advice  

Playing it Cool in the Pool

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 16 December 2023
Playing it Cool in the Pool
Water-loving dogs will have a ball playing around the pool in summer, and it’s also a great way to tire them out whilst keeping everyone cool.However, before you and your pet dive headfirst into pool-play, it’s important to be aware of some potential hazards and prepare accordingly to stay safe.Welcome to Pet Pool Safety 101!Pool accessLike ...
Posted in:Client InformationPet Safety  

Unearthing the Secrets Behind Why Dogs Dig

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 16 November 2023
Unearthing the Secrets Behind Why Dogs Dig
If your backyard is starting to resemble an excavation site, you're not alone! Dogs have a penchant for digging, and it's important to uncover the reasons behind this behaviour. Dogs dig for several reasons including to find or bury food, to make a cool spot to lie in, for enjoyment and in some cases when they are anxious.Here’s some tips on how...
Posted in:DogClient InformationPet Behaviour  
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