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Understanding Noise Phobia in Pets: Helping Your Furry Friend Through the Storm

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 15 August 2024
Understanding Noise Phobia in Pets: Helping Your Furry Friend Through the Storm
Noise phobia, an exaggerated fear of specific sounds, is a surprisingly common concern among pet owners. While fireworks and thunderstorms are often the most obvious triggers, other loud noises like gunshots, car alarms, or even construction work can spark anxiety in our furry companions.The signs of noise phobia can vary depending on the pet's p...
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet CarePet Safety  

Keep Your Pet Safe: Essential Tips for Lost Pet Prevention

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 15 July 2024
Keep Your Pet Safe: Essential Tips for Lost Pet Prevention
Every pet owner cherishes the moments of companionship – playful evenings spent chasing a frisbee, or quiet mornings curled up together. But this joy comes with a significant responsibility: ensuring our furry friends' safety. In Australia alone, RSPCA statistics reveal thousands of pets go missing annually. July's National Lost Pet Prevent...
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet CarePet Safety  

Caring For Your Pets During Winter

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 14 June 2024
Caring For Your Pets During Winter
As the colder months settle in, many of us find comfort in snuggling up with warm blankets and cosy slippers. However, it's essential to remember that our furry friends also feel the effects of winter. Just like we take extra steps to stay comfortable, it's important to extend that same care to our pets. Here are some friendly tips to help you kee...
Posted in:Client InformationProactive Pet CarePet Safety  

Unravelling the Mystery: Understanding Canine Compulsive Disorder

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 16 May 2024
Unravelling the Mystery: Understanding Canine Compulsive Disorder
What is Canine Compulsive Disorder?Canine-compulsive disorder, akin to human obsessive-compulsive disorder, leads dogs to engage in repetitive behaviours that can be detrimental to their wellbeing. While it's challenging to ascertain if dogs experience obsessive thoughts, their actions clearly indicate compulsive tendencies. These behaviours, whi...
Posted in:DogClient InformationPet Behaviour  

Is your dog a bit funky? A guide to freshening up their scent!

Posted by Wendy Milledge on 15 April 2024
Is your dog a bit funky? A guide to freshening up their scent!
As pet owners, we all want our furry friends to smell fresh and clean. However, sometimes our beloved dogs can develop unpleasant odours that can be indicative of underlying health issues. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the common causes of smelly ears, teeth, skin, and anal glands in dogs, what you can do at home to address these iss...
Posted in:DogClient InformationHealth Advice  
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